Law Enforcement Certification Board
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Law enforcement certification board
The Law Enforcement Certification Board is established in NMSA 29-7-4.3 (1978) and administratively attached to the Department of Public Safety, and the department shall provide administrative services for the board and the Law Enforcement Certification Office.
The board consists of eleven members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. No more than six members shall be members of the same political party. Members shall be appointed to represent different geographic areas of the state and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the state’s population. The members shall be appointed for staggered five-year terms, except that for the initial board, two members shall be appointed for one-year terms, two members shall be appointed for two-year terms, two members shall be appointed for three-year terms, two members shall be appointed for four-year terms and three members shall be appointed for five-year terms and shall include the following members:
The board shall include the following members: (1) a retired district judge, who serves as chair of the board; (2) a current or retired New Mexico state-certified municipal law enforcement manager in a command position; (3) a retired sheriff who was certified or a current sheriff who is certified as a law enforcement officer; 4) a current or retired state or local New Mexico state-certified law enforcement officer who has law enforcement management command experience; (5) a current or retired tribal law, law enforcement officer; (6) a certified public safety telecommunicator; (7) an attorney in private practice who practices as a plaintiff’s attorney in the area of civil rights or who represents criminal defendants; (8) an attorney in private practice who represents public entities in civil rights claims; (9) an attorney who is employed by the public defender department; (10) a professor of criminal justice at a public post-secondary educational institution in New Mexico; and (11) a citizen-at-large who has knowledge and interest in law enforcement training.
LeCB BOard Members
Retired District Judge (Chair)

Summer Kelly Mirabal
Chief of Police
Taos Pueblo Department of Public Safety
Ms. Carly Lea Huffman