Street Surveillance Techniques for Plainclothes Officers & Investigators
This 3 day, “hands-on”, exciting and fun training course immerses the attendees into street surveillance scenarios realistically simulating street crime situations such as drug dealing, burglaries, robberies, and other crimes. Attendees will be immersed into realistic street-level situations to gain experience and knowledge by conducting actual physical surveillance on foot, in a vehicle, in stores and elsewhere. Surveillance scenarios range from easy to difficult to intense. Student law enforcement officers must bring a vehicle to use during several intensive surveillance scenarios. Students must be able to perform lengthy foot surveillance, static surveillance and vehicle surveillance. This course provides classroom instruction on the first part of Day One with the rest of the class being conducted in the streets. Radios, surveillance kits, props, binoculars, role-players, and other equipment is supplied by the instructors.
Course Topics:
• Covert Street Surveillance Techniques for Narcotics Investigations and others
• Team Surveillance Operations
• Basic cell phone apps and technology to enhance police surveillance operations
• Effective Methodology for Communicating Suspect Actions During Surveillance
• Dynamics of Foot Surveillance
• Dynamics of Vehicle Surveillance
• Dynamics of Static Surveillance and Observation Techniques
• Physical surveillance across a variety of settings and terrain
• Radio Communication Skills and Effective Transmissions
• Using Surveillance Techniques against Burglars, Drug Dealers, Auto Thieves, and others
• Preventing common surveillance mistakes
• Understanding and defeating paranoia and counter intuitive issues during surveillance
• Deciphering body language of subjects under surveillance
• Officer Safety during Surveillance, and much, much more!
Click here to view training flyer
About the Instructor: Corporal James Wheeler, Pennsylvania State Police (retired) has extensive physical surveillance
experience and has instructed this course all over the US since 2007. In fact, Corporal Wheeler, while actively engaged in
counter-terrorist investigations for the PA State Police Intelligence Bureau created their Prisoner Debriefing Unit and
worked closely with the NYPD Intelligence Division and Terrorist Interdiction Unit to cultivate an extensive cadre of
informants who provided valuable intelligence on foreign terrorists operating in the US, domestic terrorists, extremists,
gangs, drug traffickers, transnational organized criminal organizations and other criminals.